Date: Sunday May 6, 2012
Time: 9am to 10am
Venue: Auditorium Chinese Sunday School CCSU Building
-中国人都是望子成龙, 但教育的费用也相当昂贵, 如何在各种教育计划中尽早地选出适合自己的方案呢?
-- 怎样做好房屋贷款计划?
-- 美国政府提供的合理省税帐号您会运用吗?
有税上好处的投资计划中(401k, ROTH 401K, 403b, IRA, Roth IRA, 年金,529计划, 各种寿险… …),到底哪(几)种适合您的收入,年龄,身份和家庭条件?
-- 如何做充足的退休计划,
从2016年开始,Social Security的税收将不足以支付社会保障,面对政府出台的各种鼓励个人支付的退休计划,您能为自己做些么?
--股票, 基金和债券的基本运作方式。风险控制投资收益最大化
-- 在美国, 一旦发生意外,被投诉,多年积累的资产就有可能瞬间化为乌有。财产保护,遗产规划,您该怎样做?
Su, PhD, 是美国证券商协会注册金融财务顾问。Aurora Zhou, CPA.
CCC disclaimer: CCC does not make any representation of the content of this third party program. Attendees shall bear their own risks on any further actions related to this program and agree to release CCC and its board members for any potential liabilities.
Managing Your Careers Through Networking:
casual talk by David Zhang followed by networking and self introductions, brainstorming, etc.
CCC board and volunteers are pleased to offer the following free pilot program:
Career Networking and Business Exchange
1. Career networking
1) Exchange background information
2) Offer career advice on career move, how to handle hiring, firing, etc.
3) Share career contacts
4)Invite interested speakers such as employment lawyers, HR professionals, successful executives to speak periodically.
5)Subjects may be different each time.
2. Business exchanges
1)Exchange business ideas on your professional work.
2)Exchange entrepreneurial ideas and receive feedback.
3)How to get funding for your business.
4)Invite speakers to address certain aspects of businesses.
Frequency: to be determined, based on the interest from the community and the availability of
First program: 10am Sunday April 29th, 2012 right after the “I can speak Chinese” event. (program will start
once the children leave the auditorium)
Venue: Auditorium first floor of the Chinese school at CCSU same as the event
Moderator: David Zhang (张小东) and other CCC board members and volunteers
Contact: [email protected]
International Festival at CCSU - Sunday April 22
Come and join this wonderful event at CCSU on Sunday, April 22, 2012!
CCC will set up a booth and the CCLA dance students will performance at the event.