CCC Annual Dinner & Dance Party 2009

Thanks for everyone who attended the party. Special thanks to Dr. Frederick Hsing & Dr. Ron-Ho Ni (1st, 2nd & 3rd CCC Presidents and founders) and many other first generation CCC Board members who were among us during this wonderful time of the year. Hope they could come more often to our functions.
Many thanks to Jian Yuan and Hongcheng Wang for their hard work. All the pictures have been uploaded to the link below.
CCC Youth Talent Show 2009

Place: Torp Theatre, Davidson Hall,
Central Connecticut State University
Thanks to Bailin Shaw, Lena Tan, Ying Fan, Kevin Fan and Stephanie Sum for organizing the show.
“Melody of the Autumn Concert”《秋之韵演唱会》

3:00pm – 5:00pm
Torp Theater, Davidson Hall
Click for Concert Pictures & ......... More Pictures (thanks to Jon-Shen Fuh and Joe Kwok)
CCC Table Tennis Tournament 2009 华社乒乓球赛
Mid-Autumn Festival Karaoke Party 2009

Time: 4:00 PM to 10:30 PM, 10/03/2009, Saturday.
Place: 7 Fairway Crossing, Glastonbury, CT 06033
Pictures explain everything.(thanks to Dr. Fuh's photography skill)
CCC Adult Chinese Language Class Starts September 2009
9th Annual Riverfront Dragon Boat & Asian Festival Aug 15 & 16, 2009

CCC was a major participant and sponsor of this meaningful event. We had cultural performances and an exhibition booth on-site together with other Asian communities. CCC had also formed the most powerful team in town with more than 30 team members. They were called the 'CCC Dragons'.
Picture Link of the whole event
CCC Youth Summer Camp 2009, July 27-31, 2009

by Cuiping Zhang
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009 at both CCLA Campuses.
Download detail.
CCC Summer Picnic 2009

CCC Cultural Seminar Series:
Master Class in Singing by Prof. Cailun Yueh
The First CCC Voice Master Class was successfully conclude on Sunday May 10, 2009 at Founders Hall, CCSU. We discovered a few stars who could sing on behalf of CCC at the Riverfront Dragon Boat Festival this summer. Many thanks to Dr. Fuh who took those professional quality pictures for us.
Download Flyer
Singers Program
CCC Cultural Seminar Series:
Some Observations on the Chinese Economy
A Special Lecture for Center for East Asian Studies, CCSU & Chinese Culture Center
by Dr. Jon-Shen Fuh Monday, April 27, 2009, Vance Academic Center, CCSU
Download symposium
DVD for the 2009 Chinese New Year Gala Show will be on sale for $10 at the CCLA campuses. Mail order accepted with $4 S&H charge. Please email Gerry Karp ([email protected]) and/or John Boudeau ([email protected]) for detail.
All proceeds will be donated to CCLA.
Some excerpts: YouTube - CCC Dragon Dance CCSU
Chinese Culture Center Proudly Presented:
The CCC Chinese New Year (Year of the Ox) Celebration Show
康州华社会员大会 暨 牛年春节综艺晚会

The Show was successfully concluded on Saturday, 01/24/2009 at the Welte Auditorium, Central Connecticut State University.
Besides presenting talents from our local community, the show also featured professional performerswhom you would rarely see on stage in Connecticut. We had Bian Lian ("Change Face" - China's exclusive operatic magical arts), dragon & lion dance, martial arts performances, funny acrobatics, cultural dances, classical singing/music and much more...... And we knew you all had fun. Thank you for the support.
Program Booklet
Pictures Set#1
Pictures Set#2
(more pictures to come soon, please email your picture link to [email protected] if you want to share your pictures)